Вся информация, текст, логотипы, графика, изображения, программное обеспечение и другой контент (именуемые «Материалы»), составляющие этот сайт, являются собственностью Strelka Travel ™ (ООО AtlantaTur) или ее лицензиаров. Copyright 2017. Все права защищены. Strelka Tours ™ (OOO AtlantaTur) or its licensors. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. The Materials may refer to transportation, hotel accommodations, restaurants, and other services that are supplied by various independent suppliers (including, but not limited to…) that are not subject to Strelka Tours’ control. Strelka Tours cannot, therefore, be liable for death, personal injury or any other loss that may occur (1) due to any act or omission of any such supplier, (2) by reason of any other event over which it has no control.